Willow: Year 5
Welcome to Willow Class home page.
Here you will find updates and pictures from our journey throughout the year.
We have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child comes into school on these days in the correct PE kit as detailed in the school uniform list.
- Pupils are to read every day; this can be done independently or with an adult and pupils are to write the details in their planner.
- TT Rockstars is to be used regularly to support times tables fluency.
Planners are checked weekly, however, please feel free to use this as a means of communicating with the staff of Willow class at any time to share any worries/concerns or equally any achievements. Please check your child's planner and sign it weekly, a member of staff signs it on Fridays.
What are we learning?
Our topics this year are as follows:
Autumn 1: The Silk Road (Early Islamic Civilisation)
Christmas Topic: Winter Wonderland
Spring: The Kingdom of Benin
Summer: Terrible Tudors