Academy Trust and Governing Body
The Governing Body plays an important role in guiding the school strategically in conjunction with the Executive Head and Leadership team, with a view to providing the best possible education and educational opportunities for all of the pupils.
The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office on 01789 762444 or by letter addressed to :
Mrs Helen Reading
Chair of Governing Body
Coughton C of E Primary School
Coughton Lane
B49 5HN
The Governors at Coughton CofE Primary School are responsible for:-
- Monitoring the effective delivery of the National Curriculum;
- Financial management;
- Professional advice on the adequacy and deployment of resources within the school;
- Monitoring the academy’s self-evaluation;
- Establishing clear priorities and procedures for the effective support of the academy;
The Governing Body meets twice per term. Governors have responsibility for reporting on key areas of the school:
Safeguarding, attendance, SEND, CLA, CPLA - Helen Reading (Chair)
Finance - Stuart Tilsley (Vice-Chair)
Health and Safety - Katie Hague (temporary post)
Wellbeing, community - Sian Smith
Teaching and learning - Tess Bayliss-Smith
Pupil Premium, Sports Premium - Katie Hague
The Governors work with school staff and hold learners to account following school visits, providing reports and feedback to full governing body meetings.
Helen Reading, Alex Kolb, Stuart Tilsley and a member of the Coughton Parish Team make up the Foundation committee which meets termly to monitor adn develop the School's Christian distincitveness and links with the local community.
Governors have access to up-to-date training via an online platform called Governor Hub. All governors have a current a DBS certificate and have completed the relevant safeguarding training and checks.
Governor | Category | Roles and Responsibilities | Attendance 2022/23 | Term of Office: Start Date – End Date | |
Full | Committees | ||||
Adam Walsh | Executive Head | n/a | 5/6 |
Emma Hemming | Staff governor |
| 1/6 | 11/2021 – 11/2025 | |
Wayne Bates | Parent Governor |
| 2/2 | 01/2019 – 01/2023 resigned | |
Peter Taaffe | Co-Opted Governor | H&S Governor | 6/6 |
| 02/2019 – 02/2023 |
Tess Baylis-Smith | Co-Opted Governor | 3/3 | 03/2023 - 03/2027 | ||
Alex Kolb | Head of School | n/a | |||
Katie Hague | Parent Governor |
| 6/6 |
| 11/2022 - 11/2026 |
Sian Smith | Parent Governor |
| 3/3 | 03/2023 - 03/2027 | |
Helen Reading | Foundation Governor | Vice Chair SEN governor6/6 |
6/6 |
| 3/2023 - 3/2027 |
Stuart Tilsley | Foundation Governor | Safeguarding Governor |
6/6 |
| 03/2023 - 03/2027 |
Governor | Relevant business and pecuniary interests | Governance role in other educational institutions | Relationship between governor and school staff |
Adam Walsh | None | None | None |
Emma Hemming | None | None | None |
Katie Hague | None | None | None |
Peter Taaffe | None | None | None |
Alex Kolb | None | None | |
Sian Smith | None | None | None |
Tess Baylis-Smith
| None | None | None |
Helen Reading | None | None | None |
Stuart Tilsley | None | None | None |
Freedom of information: publication scheme
All public authorities, including schools, are required under the Freedom of Information Act to adopt a publication scheme that has been approved by the Information Commissioner.
There is currently one approved model publication scheme, which has been produced by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Schools must adopt the ICO’s model scheme and make it publicly available.
Schools should publish a guide to information alongside the publication scheme.
The guide should specify:
- the documents available
- the format of the documents
- any charges made for the information