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Coughton Church of England Primary School home page

Coughton Church of England Primary School

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Be our best selves

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Ash: Year 2

Welcome to Ash Class home page.


Here you will find updates and pictures from our journey throughout the year.



PE will be on a Wednesday, however please ensure your child always has their full indoor PE kit in school and ensure that this is clearly labelled.  It will be sent home every half term to be washed. Children are to come to school wearing their PE Kit for outdoor PE lessons.



-Reading every day with planners signed

-1 weekly activity on from the home learning grid

-Weekly use of Numbots to support Maths



Planners are checked weekly. Please feel free to use these as a method of communication to share any worries/concerns or equally any achievements but encourage children to share these messages with the adult first thing in the morning. 


What are we learning? 


Our topics this year are as follows:

  • Autumn 1: Fire! Fire! 
  • Autumn 2: Food, Glorious Food! 
  • Spring 1: How can I help you? 
  • Spring 2: Taking Flight
  • Summer 1: Local Links
  • Summer 2: Land Ahoy!


Mathletics Booklets