As a school, we welcome input from parents as we believe in a family centred approach. Our school’s Local Offer is continually monitored and updated annually. The SEND Information Report is produced in consultation with parents and is there to provide an anonymous account of what has been delivered to support children with SEND and their families. This is also reviewed annually.
Our SEND policy has also been reviewed and updated to be in line with the current legislation.
Please contact the SENCo, Mrs Zoe Blackwell, if you have any questions or concerns regarding SEND provision at Coughton C of E Primary School. Please use:
Useful Website – Warwickshire Family Information Service
Neurodiversity Week 2024
Year 6 have been thinking about what makes them unique, we discussed the sorts of things we find interesting, exciting and relatively easy to do, as well as activities and situations that we may find challenging. The use of colour and the way in which the children completed the task, just shows how different we all are.
The collage is really, rather beautiful!
The class have also explained in their own words, the different struggles that children/adults with autism, ADHD and dyslexia may face.
Warwickshire’s local Offer of support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities can be found by clicking here. Warwickshire’s Family Information Service offers free information to support families with children and young people aged 0 to 25 across Warwickshire. For more information please click here.
The School works closely with external services to provide support for children and families. These include:
School health COMPASS Catherine Harold, Hannah Baker, Jane Wild Tel; 033002 45204
| SALT Speech and Language Therapy Sarah Roberts Tel; 01926 400001 children-and-young-peoples-services/
Shakespeare Hospice Bereavement support ECHOES Alison Burford Tel; 01789 266852
| STS Specialist Teacher Service Lucy Clarke (Communication and Interaction) George Timlin (Autism team) Louise Wood (Specific language disorder team) Paula Owen (complex needs) Tel; 01926 413737
EIS Early Intervention Service Vanessa McBride Tel; 01926 476600
| Lifespace Tel; 01789 297400
CAMHS Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service Tel; 01789 414643
| EMTAS Ethnic minority and traveller achievement service Tel; 01926 476600
EPS Educational Psychologist Service Eileen Kell Tel; 01926 742921
| SENDAR SEND assessment and review service Local officer – Louisa Hughes Tel; 01926 742013