Collective Worship
Christian virtues and practice are at the heart of our school life and they underpin all that we do. Our distinctive Christian character is developed through every aspect of school life. We have strong, well established links with our local churches who contribute regularly to our worship programme and we enjoy opportunities across the year to worship in St Peter’s our local church.
Collective worship is integral to our Christian character at Coughton C of E Primary school. This is consistent, regular and at the heart of our school ethos.
We place great importance on coming together in our school community for Collective Worship. It is a time to welcome, learn, reflect and respond to each other. We celebrate God’s love and reflect on how we are as individuals in our school. We encourage all children to respect the faith and those for whom faith is important. We would like children exploring ‘big questions’ and also appreciating times for quiet and reflection. At prayer time, the children will be invited to pray.
Collective Worship is planned giving consideration to key events in the Christian Calendar, as well as highlighting important dates from other faiths and addressing national and local events. We use Bible stories to help the children explore our Virtues. We link all Bible stories to the Big Story frieze.
Our children will learn though welcoming Visitors, song/ hymns, Bible stories, biographies and the week culminates in a Celebration Assembly, celebrating the actions of children that reflect our Christian virtues and positive ethos.
We want all our school community to be involved in our Worships. As the year goes on, the Worship Warriors plan and support in the delivery of some Worships. Parents are invited on a Friday on a rota basis.
Beth Clarke (Children and Family worker, Alcester Minster) visits the school on a weekly; leading worship and supporting the whole school. She tells captivating stories, all the while capturing the children’s imaginations. They are always entertaining and convey an important message to the children, who always look forward to them. We also welcome our Reverend from St Peter’s church who visits us each month to lead worship.